XuntaEu is an app to help us relate to the electronic administration of the Xunta de Galicia.It allows you to receive personalized notices, manage Chave365 users (change access code, renew, modify mobile phone or unsubscribe) or consult files and presentations just like in the electronic headquarters.It also allows you to consult appointments with the Administration, the verification of signed electronic documents, and the consultation and modification of contact details, address etc. of the Citizen Folder.XuntaEu also allows the consultation of powers of attorney received and granted, accepting or rejecting notifications from the Notification System of Galicia (notifica.gal), as well as consulting personal cards and certificates such as youth card, large family certificate, degree of disability and many more...It makes it easy to always have your personal cards available on your mobile phone. These contain a QR code that will allow their validation by third parties. It also offers the possibility of loading said card into a generic wallet on the device.Authentication in the app will be through Chave365 user and password. During the first access you will receive a PIN code by SMS which must be indicated in the app to confirm that it is a trusted device.It will also be possible to access using a digital certificate or using an electronic DNI (DNIe 3.0/4.0) with a device that has NFC technology.XuntaEu may access third-party content and application links on the Internet to provide information and services related to the application.XuntaEu will be able to have read and write access to the storage on the device to read and write files, photos, videos and audio.These permissions are required to be able to download, open and view certificates or pkpass.Terms of use: https://www.xunta.gal/xuntaeu/condicions-de-usoPrivacy policy: https://www.xunta.gal/xuntaeu/politica-de-privacidade